Concours / Examens supérieur
Countdown to first certificate ; livre de l'élève (édition 2009)
- Oxford Up Elt
- 9 Avril 2009
- 9780194801003
Countdown to First Certificate bridges the gap between intermediate level and the First Certificate exam. It introduces learners to graded exam format tasks while giving them a strong foundation in vocabulary and grammar. Written and designed to appeal to teenagers.
Key features.
* 100% new edition with up-to-date texts and visually dynamic magazine look.
* Streamlined 12 unit structure to fit the modern syllabus with a greater focus on vocabulary and grammar than before.
* Combines a strong focus on grammar, vocabulary-building, and writing with a teen-friendly approach that is highly motivating.
* Lots of grammar practice on the Grammar Zoom pages, Language in Use, Writing and in the Workbook.
* Wordpower and Vocabulary sections reinforce vocabulary items.
* Writing task supported by task analysis, sample answers, notes and useful phrases.
* Updated for the new FCE syllabus.
* Gradually builds students' confidence in doing exam tasks.
* Workbook with Free Student's Audio CD.
* Interleaved Teacher's Book for easy lesson planning plus Unit tests and Progress Tests.
* Countdown to First Certificate is written by a first-class writing team: Kathy Gude, Michael Duckworth and Jenny Quintana, the authors of many successful exam courses.
Andrew Crane, Dirk Matten
- Oxford Up Elt
- 9 Avril 2010
- 9780199564330
The third edition of this award-winning book introduces business ethics concepts, tools and theories, then applies them to the corporation's key stakeholder groups. It takes a truly global approach in a market dominated by US texts. The accessible style and thorough pedagogy ensure the book is both student- and teacher-friendly.
The Power of Political Knowledge in an Uncertain World.
An English translation of Professor Sinn's bestselling Kasino-Kapitalismus, that provides an account of the origins of the recent financial crisis. The volume examines the causes of the crisis, points out the flaws in the economic rescue packages, and presents a master plan for the reform of financial markets.
Business Ethics ; 2nd Revised Edition
Andrew Crane, Dirk Matten
- Oxford Up Elt
- 17 Janvier 2007
- 9780199284993
Covers the foundations of business ethics and applies these theories, concepts and tools to each of the corporation's major stakeholders. Written from a European perspective, this text considers the implications of three major challenges facing the corporation: corporate citizenship, globalization and sustainability.
Josh Lerner, leading Harvard Business School professor, explores what lies behind successful innovation, and what managers and companies can learn from successful and unsuccessful cases. He combines both analysis of in-house innovation in corporate research labs, with more finance based venture capital investment in innovation.
The crisis of global capitalism that has unfolded since 2008 is more than an economic crisis. It is structural and multidimensional. The sequence of events that have taken place in its aftermath show that we are entering a world that is very different from the social and economic conditions that characterized the rise of global, informational capitalism in the preceding three decades. The policies and strategies that intended to manage the crisis-with mixed results depending on the country-may usher in a distinctly different economic and institutional system, as the New Deal, the construction of the European Welfare State, and the Bretton Woods global financial architecture all gave rise to a new form of capitalism in the aftermath of the 1930s Depression, and World War II.
This volume examines the cultures and institutions at the root of the crisis, as well as the conflicts and debates that lead to a new social landscape, including the rise of alternative economic cultures expressed in the social movements occupying Wall Street. The book presents the results of a shared project of reflection by an interdisciplinary group of researchers from around the world. It contends that there is no quick fix to the current financial and political system. Life beyond the crisis requires a transformation of the mindset that led to bankruptcy and despair, and to economies and societies based on an unsustainable model of speculative finance and political irresponsibility. The book explains why and explores the contours of the world emerging in the aftermath of the crisis.